Reaching out to People in Coma / Wochenendseminar

Reaching out to People in Coma

Reaching out to People in Coma, Vegetative and Minimal Conscious States: an Introduction to Process Oriented Coma Work (by Arnold Mindell)

In Process Work we assume that as long as there is breath and pulse, there is also a potential for consciousness and an opportunity for spiritual growth. Like every human being, people in withdrawn states also need contact, relationship, and support in their existential experiences on their inner journey.

Process-oriented Coma Work offers methods and approaches to connect with patients in nonverbal states and to support communication with, and understanding for, patients´ experiences.
Process Work offers ways to explore and deepen the awareness of our own altered states of consciousness as basic prerequisite in building relationship with people who are presumed to be unconscious.

This weekend seminar will give an introduction, demonstration, and practical experience in Process-oriented Coma Work.

This workshop is designed for relatives, nurses, clinical pastoral caretakers, hospice workers, psychologists, physicians, and other professionals.

Language will be in English and it will be translated into Czech

Recommended reading:
•    Amy Mindell (1999). Coma, A Healing Journey: a guide for family, friends and helpers. Portland, OR: Lao Tse (A translation of this book in Slovac already exists)
•    Arny Mindell (1989). Coma: Key to Awakening. Boston, MA: Shambala Publications.

Date: 7th to 9th May, begin Friday 4pm, ending Sunday 4pm

Fee: 95,00 Euro until 7th of April, then 110,00 Euro

Location: Prague, in the center

Further information:
Dissertation: “Reaching out to People in Comatose States: Are Contact and Communication Possible?” will be available soon at:

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Reaching out to People in Coma

  • Datum: 07.05.2010 - 09.05.2010
  • Ort:
      9000 Sankt Gallen
  • Preis:95,00 EUR
  • Anm. bis:05.05.2010

Praxis für Prozessarbeit, Wuppertal

 Peter Ammann  Praxis für Prozessarbeit 42103 Wuppertal

Peter Ammann

Diplom-Psychologe, Process Oriented Psychotherapist (UKCP), 42103 Wuppertal

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  • Schriftlich: Praxis für Prozessarbeit Peter Ammann
    Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 55
    42103 Wuppertal

EMDR-Brille REMSTIM 3000

EMDR-Brille REMSTIM 3000

